Some people will do anything just to get the attention that they think they deserve. These are the worst cases of people being addicted to attention.
She Faked Cancer To Get Attention
“My mom has custody of my sister’s daughters because my sister abandoned them. My sister doesn’t ask about them, doesn’t try to visit them, doesn’t even call them.
Surprisingly, my mom got a call from my sister on the oldest daughter’s 5th birthday. Unfortunately, it wasn’t to wish happy birthday, it was to announce she had stage 4 cancer, which was upsetting, obviously.
Only my sister didn’t act sick. She acted excited about all the concern. She never went to the doctors. People started to catch on. About a year later, after people started calling her out on her inconsistencies, she put on her Facebook that she had been feeling sick all week. She puked twice that morning and went to the hospital. And the doctor declared her cancer to be gone. She…puked up…her cancer.
Of course, some idiots commented on her status, congratulating her for being cancer-free. My comment was deleted though. Something to the effect of, ‘Really? You puked up cancer? Why the eff would you take attention away from your daughter’s birthday with this junk?'”
The Plot Of Single White Female Comes True
“My roommate imitates me for attention. She’s gotten a lot better, but man it was rough for a while. Not just with health issues but any life stressor or drama that she thinks will get her attention.
I got pregnant (had a medical abortion at home; it was horrific) and for months afterward she would claim her periods were actually miscarriages.
I shattered my ankle and tore some doo-dads in my knee. I was unable to walk for a few months. Days after my accident, she has a mysterious accident for which she receives no medical treatment but which required her to use crutches (when convenient).
I found out my long-time boyfriend was cheating on me a ton and lying to his friends and family about our relationship. She started getting histrionic about how her boyfriend was clearly cheating on her. (He wasn’t).
Every allergy I have, she develops.
It’s maddening.”
Who’s Allergic To “Spices?!”
“My younger step-brother’s wife does this psycho imitation thing. Since they first started dating, she’s been affected by mysterious ailments that ‘no doctor can diagnose’ because, as they’ve told her, she’s not freaking sick. Her ailments include:
-Mysterious weakness and lethargy. She managed to be completely fine when home alone or if people were actively avoiding feeding into it.
-She has a spice intolerance. No, she doesn’t dislike spicy foods, she has an intolerance. The first time my boyfriend met the family, he made a dish with cayenne pepper. My little bro told him not to tell his wife because she ‘thinks she has a spice intolerance.’ Lo and behold, she never even noticed.
-She’s been allergic and intolerant to gluten, depending on the day you ask her. She’s neither celiac nor diagnosed with any allergies. The first time she was telling me about this, I watched as she was eating gluten covered candies.
-She’s also lactose-intolerant depending on what you’re offering her.
-She can’t tolerate starches. They give her ‘like’ an allergic reaction.
I legit think she has an eating disorder. But she thinks she’s sick. The problem is everyone feeds into it. Like, at her wedding, she tearfully told us all how at one point she was ‘so weak she wouldn’t have lived had her husband not physically fed her.’ Yet when he went to work, she managed to go get herself fast food.
She’s expecting their first baby and no one is excited, sad to say. To clarify, we’ve never ‘tested’ her allergies by hiding ingredients in food; we’re not total punks. The cayenne pepper incident was an honest mistake (because honestly, that’s the first I’ve ever heard someone say she doesn’t eat spice) and my boyfriend went out of his way to make a gluten free, lactose free, low starch meal as it was his first time meeting and cooking for the family. However, now we just cook what we want to eat and she can eat it or make her own meal. Spoiler: she usually eats it. And yes, she’s had multiple allergen tests – no, she does not have a single legit allergy that’s not seasonal flora/fauna.”
The One That Is Always In Need Of A Compliment
“My little cousin will come in the bathroom, sit down and look in the mirror only to start talking about how cute she is. She’s always asking me, ‘Isn’t this selfie cute?’ I will agree and she will say, ‘I know right.’ All she talks about is how good she is at doing her hair, how everybody thinks she’s mixed, and she’s always asking me if I think she’s skinny. Just fishing for compliments on a daily and talking about her appearance. I want my cousin to actually realize her being like that lets people know how insecure she actually is. It’s sickening and so annoying.”
The Facebook Attention Seeker
“I met a girl in college who I had been friends with in middle school and I was really excited to catch up with her. I friended her on Facebook and, honestly, the only reason I still follow her is that she is an absolute spectacle of attention seeking. Usually, if people don’t like or comment enough on these posts, she’ll post more frequently about her mental health and how bad things are for her. The other half is textbook performative allyship. She’s straight and white but never misses a beat to let everyone know how woke she is, and reminds everyone daily of how much she is fighting the good fight for social justice (don’t get me wrong, I wholeheartedly support the same social justice causes she does, I just think it’s incredibly insincere to try and cash it in for ‘ally points’ by bragging about it on the internet).
I think the cringiest incident ever though was one day she posted something like, ‘Hey, there are two people on my friends list that a lot of you all know from high school who have said some pretty problematic things; do you guys want me to do a call-out post so you can be more informed on what they’re actually like?’ or something to that effect. It was pretty much ignored. The next day, we all got a wall of text about how person A and person B are misogynists, transphobes, etc, complete with pictures of them, and screenshots of things that they’d said in comment sections on other parts of Facebook. The whole time, she had this condescending, ‘I just want you all to see this because you have a right to know what they’re really like, and I’m concerned that you may not be aware of how bad they are’ tone. Also, she even had a whole paragraph about how ‘person A is probably such a punk to me because I rejected him in middle school.’ (she’s 23 years old now). It was an absolute trainwreck.”
The Ex-Girlfriend Who Wanted To Steal Her Life
“My ex-girlfriend in high school.
She talked a lot about her past hook up adventures. Most the guys she claims to have slept with either didn’t go to our school, and the few that did said it was once only. She’d cry and say how each one broke her heart or assaulted her.
She claimed she was super into women suddenly and so I asked her out. She would be all over me at school, but outside of school, our relationship was non-existent. When I publicly broke up with her for cheating (with a man), she tried to blame me. Our friends had none of it, so she started crying and said she would jump off the school. One of my friends told her to ‘just freaking do it.’ She didn’t.
She fell off a trampoline and broke her arm. She had surgery to repair the bone, which left a long scar along both sides of her forearm. She told a lot of people she had tried to commit suicide. The pity party ended when the friend who owned the trampoline called her out.
I was rather gothy in high school. One day, I started hearing all these weird rumors that my ex was copying me. I shrugged it off because, ya know, eff her. Until I heard her voice saying, ‘I told you not to call me by my real name! I’m going by [Name] now!’ Except her new ‘name’ was my nickname. I came around the corner and it was like she’d shopped my closet and taken a picture of my hair to a salon. I gave her a slow once-over and promptly burst out laughing. Queue crying and her trying to guilt trip me for a week.
And the cherry on her weird nonsense:
She started to smell. Bad. Like, you knew when she entered a room because a miasma of urine and sweat followed her. Her hair was matted and dirty. She claimed her mom hadn’t paid their utilities and she had no water and her cat was peeing on her clothes. A few of us felt bad and showed up at her apartment when she wasn’t home (it was just her and her mom) to gather her laundry and wash it for her. A friend was going to even let my ex shower at her place.
Her mom let us in and said, ‘I want you girls to see what’s actually happening.’ Bewildered, we took a tour of their place. Ex-gf had taken all the furniture out of her bedroom, save a bare mattress, and thrown it into the living room. She’d carved ‘eff you mom’ into the wood of her bed frame. In her bathroom (which had water), was a pile of clothes in the tub. They smelled like urine. We were appalled. The real shocker? They didn’t own a cat.”
She Was So Sure He Was Cheating
“My (now) ex-girlfriend’s parents were having a barbecue for the first week of summer and my ex had invited some of her friends who I hadn’t met before. I was meeting a bunch of new people so I was using my sweet transferable skills from work and making drinks for people as an icebreaker.
One of my ex’s friends arrived, introduced herself, and I asked if she wanted a drink. She said she likes Manhattans, but she didn’t know how to make one, so I offered to show her. The only physical contact we had is when I showed her how to hold the shaker so she didn’t throw the drink all over herself. My girlfriend went over to her sister and told her that she had seen me and her friend hooking up in the kitchen and that she was going to kill herself. Her sister told her to stop being stupid and she decided to start throwing glasses around and kicking things, sending a glass inches past her 3-year old niece, and eventually, her parents had to ask everyone to leave because she was ruining it for everybody there.”
Fire Starter
“My best friend was in a train-wreck of a relationship with a woman who had some serious issues due to a former partner’s infidelity. When he finally broke up with her, she would text him endlessly about how she was going to kill herself. I wouldn’t normally recommend this tactic, but he just ignored her and eventually the texts stopped.
Maybe two or three weeks after she seemed to have accepted that it was really over, a mysterious fire started in her condo leaving her without a place to live. And despite being insanely wealthy, she really felt like the best place for her and her dog would be my friend’s tiny apartment. They just needed something ‘familiar’ after the trauma. He wisely refused.
You will never, ever convince me she didn’t start that fire herself.”
He Used The Worst Possible Excuse To Try To Keep His Friend Around
“An ex-friend of mine used to threaten suicide all the time. I’d lost track of him after high school, then we reconnected. We’re both musicians so we’d play out together at pubs. It was fun until I discovered that he had multiple restraining orders and a history of beating women.
I immediately ended the friendship and he became very psycho. He would call and text me all hours of the day and night, threatening suicide. I tried to help him at first, but I discovered that it was a 100% ploy. I have an older brother who committed suicide, so this hit me hard.”
Terry The Liar
“About 20 years ago, I shared a house with my sister and her son, who was 3. She was an assistant manager at a discount/dollar store and had this guy Terry on her team.
Terry was 15 and a pathological liar. Nearly every day she would come home with a new Terry story. At first, I couldn’t get enough of them because it was ridiculous, but I ended up feeling really sad for him. This was in Brisbane, Australia in the late 90s.
Some of the stories were pretty tame:
- He was actually 18, but lied about his age and said he was 15 so he could get the job (he really was 15);
- He was a qualified plumber, but took this job for a ‘break’ from plumbing; -he drove taxis on his days off.
Then they got weirder:
- He claimed he and Angela (also worked at the store, really hot and really nice ~ 20-year-old woman) would be hooking up all the time – he said this in the lunch room, back to the door, just as she walked in. She called him out on it then and there;
- He had this female friend who loved getting it on so much he said she should start ‘selling it,’ and that he became her go between, where he would take 47.5% of the money;
- He could get his hands on any smut you wanted, for a price (wink) because he apparently didn’t know about the internet;
- He could get you any ‘hot’ computer part you needed for a price because he had friends who’d steal computers all the time;
- Because of the dangerous life he led (see the previous two points), he was always in danger. Should the poop ever hit the fan, he had a card in his wallet with a number on it, and if he called it, he would be whisked away to safety to America…or Townsville.
The story that pushed him over the edge into freaking sad was after a party my sister had for her 25th birthday. She invited everyone from her store and Terry came along. I saw him walk into the house, carrying a change of clothes in a plastic bag (I guess he thought he’d be sleeping over). I had a boxer/mastiff dog called Buddy, who was a big dog and a really sweet boy. He was on a runner in the backyard so he wouldn’t get out, and loved the attention he got from guests. Terry saw him at some point but didn’t interact with him. The next Monday at work, he claimed that when he got to our house, he walked up the side to the backyard and that Buddy (loose, not restrained) charged him. He said he reached out with one hand and grabbed Buddy by the throat and squeezed until Buddy stopped snarling and that Buddy ran off as soon as he let go. While he was a great guard dog (he wouldn’t let you in if he didn’t know you, but once you’d been introduced, he loved you) and he had a scary growl, but he was a great big boofhead and wasn’t at all aggressive.
Since that was one story he could absolutely be called out on, he was. The stories dried up not long after that. It was obvious that he was telling them for attention, and that he’d dug himself into a hole with them and didn’t know how to stop.”
She Never Thought Her Ploy For Attention Would Land Her In So Much Trouble
“My sister is mentally disabled. At the age of 22, she has the cognitive function of an 11 or 12-year-old. She has a SEVERE fear of missing out. I don’t know where it comes from, but she gets serious anxiety about being left out of various events (even though we make a special effort to include her in most things). She goes to a school aimed to teach adults with special needs different life skills. If she knows I’m coming into town to visit my parents, or I have something planned with them, she’ll fake illnesses at school so my parents have to come to pick her up. It’s super annoying because it means that we all have to cancel our plans, and she’s always faking it. As soon as she comes back home, she’s perfectly fine.
But, my parents and my sister’s teachers caught on to her nonsense. After several incidences of faking sick, they stopped indulging her and stopped calling my parents. My sister realized she needed to up her game. After watching 13 Reasons Why on Netflix, my sister found out that claiming to be suicidal was a foolproof way to get the attention back on her.
One day at school, she tried to fake sick again. Her teachers weren’t falling for it. So, she got her hands on a phone in the school’s office and dialed 911, threatening to hurt herself. An ambulance came and took my sister to the hospital. She ended up getting herself stuck in a psych ward for over a few weeks. She learned her lesson and never played that game again.”
So Much Drama, So Little Interest
“Three people I went to school with, all separately:
One was a girl who, quite sadly, told other girls in our year that her Aunty was Rose from the Titanic and she was building a new Titanic to find Jack. We were in high school, so about 14 here. Sad, really. She was on Jérémy Kyle when she grew up.
The second was a lad who was a bit older, about 21 at the time, who would put things like ‘might get married this year’ on his Facebook just to make the, say, 16-year-old girl he was chatting to jealous, even though they had never met. This happened a lot. He was really odd. Like the time I was near him in a library and he, recognizing me, pretended he was on the phone talking to a girl. It didn’t ring in the hilarious way it sometimes does in movies when someone pretends to be on it, but the librarian told him to keep the noise down and he apologized and forgot he was on the phone. He never carried on the conversation, just stood there with the silent phone in his hand, looking at books.
The third was a lad who put a video of himself singing, ‘Wherever You Will Go’ by The Calling on his Facebook. Only it wasn’t him, it was the actual song. Well, an acoustic version but the proper band singing and playing it. I had the same song so, at first, I told him he’d put the wrong audio on it or you could hear the song he was singing along to over him, to which he said he hadn’t and it was him. I tried to tell him it wasn’t and he was adamant. Others did and he was adamant it was him. An account he had just became friends with (this was when Facebook would say on your ‘wall’ when you became friends with someone), with no profile picture or any information wrote on the status that she was his girlfriend and this was definitely him. It was obviously an account he had created himself.
The next day, he told his Facebook friends that he was going to audition for X-Factor that afternoon. That evening, he updated his status of how he didn’t get through, but Simon Cowell had specifically came backstage to talk to him and told him to personally stay in touch for the future. This person was also a bit peculiar; he was suspended from primary school for looking through the keyhole whilst the girls were getting changed for P.E. in a separate classroom and when he was 16, he rode his dead Grandmother’s mobility scooter around town.”
The Mother That Is More Important Than Everyone Else
“I was having my second child, Maddie, when my mother decided to pull one of her glorious ‘no one deserves more attention than me’ acts.
Tylor (my fiance) and I were in our hospital room, spending time with our daughter. We were about to get some shut-eye when a nurse came to the door to let Tylor know that he had a call waiting at the front desk. Our first impressions were kind of shocked because we had cell phones and thought everyone knew to call us personally if they wanted to come to visit. Oh, and it was also like really late.
It was my mother, of course. Her husband had allegedly beat her and her dogs had attacked him. Her phone was busted up so she ran to the neighbors to use their phone and didn’t know what our cell numbers were so she had googled the hospital number. She needed Tylor to come IMMEDIATELY and get her!
I laughed. I seriously laughed my butt off. The first thing that came out of my mouth was, ‘Why didn’t she call the cops?’ We are nearly three counties over, JUST HAD A BABY THE DAY BEFORE, and what the heck were we even supposed to do about it?! Tylor told her no and we didn’t hear from her anymore. My sister told me the following day that she was fine and never said a word to her about it like nothing had ever happened.
Maddie is now two years old and has never met my mom. I was fed completely up after that embarrassment. It was not the first and I knew it would not have been the last either!!”