It’s the age of the internet. More so, it’s the age of social media. Facebook started in 2004, marking the point when social media really began to grow. You can friend people you know, share your status, and let people know your thoughts. How pleasant.
Well that’s how it was supposed to be. With the rise of the internet is the rise of anonymity. People, for the most part, will never have to worry about meeting the people that they comment and argue with. Thus, it became much easier to spread hate and oppress the voices of others.
Well thats where #IAmHere came in. #IAmHere is the slogan for a group of volunteers who spend their time on Facebook, posting the facts and even other points of view in order to broaden and hopefully invite those who may otherwise feel as though they cannot combat the “trolls” of the internet.
The purpose of this group is not to shut down any particular opinion, but to instead change the tone of conversations which are happening. Group members do not interject themselves into any conversation that is going on, instead they look to pinpoint conversations that have become aggressive and inject facts and reasonable viewpoints. They simply want to turn Facebook into a nicer place, where you don’t have to worry about being attacked with hate speech for stating your opinion.
What are your thoughts, do you think this is a good idea or totally unnecessary? Tell us your opinion in the comments.