Get ready to dive into the world of subtle revenge and sly comebacks! In this intriguing piece, we’ve collected stories from people who’ve encountered entitled individuals and decided to take a clever, passive-aggressive approach to handle them.
From ingenious pranks to witty retorts, join us as we explore the satisfying tales of how everyday people stood up to entitlement with a touch of finesse.
Prepare for a dose of amusement and a reminder that sometimes, karma has a delightful way of dealing with the entitled ones.
All content has been edited for clarity.
Nothing Like A Little Shaming

“I’m at a supermarket, stuck in a never-ending queue that snakes all around a corner. Just when I thought I’d finally made it to the 90-degree bend, this lady barges in and cuts in front of me.
Now, hold up, this wasn’t some mistaken queue start. You see, the corner was stacked with those waist-high baskets filled with tempting impulse buys like chocolates and snacks, because, you know, stores love teasing us right at the checkout.
The people behind me were grumbling and tutting, but being the oh-so-British person I am, I couldn’t directly confront her. So, I came up with a brilliant plan – every time she wasn’t looking, I sneakily grabbed items from the shelves and slyly slipped them into her trolley.
I started with small stuff, like a bag of crisps, and soon enough, the people behind me caught on to my little mischief. The mutters turned into approving nods of agreement. And guess what? It only fueled my determination.
I ended up pulling off a masterstroke – I somehow managed to sneak an entire umbrella into her trolley! The shop behind me burst into laughter, but the lady remained completely clueless.
When she finally reached the human-powered checkout (why didn’t she go for the self-service?), I dashed through the self-checkout, feeling victorious. As I was almost out of the shop, I heard her exclaim, ‘Where the heck did that come from?'”
He Learned A Valuable Lesson

“So, I was 17 and decided to go camping at this beautiful beach. I had this brilliant idea of creating a sand throne for ultimate relaxation.
After a couple of hours of hard work under the blazing sun, my masterpiece was complete. Oh, the satisfaction! I settled into my throne, feeling like the ruler of the beach.
But then, things took a hilarious turn. As I gazed out of my tent, admiring my handiwork, a mischievous little boy, probably around 10 years old, strolled up to my throne. I thought he was gonna sit on it, but boy, was I in for a surprise! Instead, he got this wicked glint in his eyes and took a few steps back. And then, bam! He swung a mighty kick at my sand-covered stone creation!
Unfortunately for him, pure sand wasn’t gonna cut it so I had gathered some large stones nearby. With a little arranging, I crafted a legit stone chair and then topped it off with sand to make it comfy.
You can probably guess what happened next. His kick was no match for my sturdy stone work, and he ended up collapsing on the sand, clutching his foot and crying for his mom. Oh, the irony!
Now, I gotta admit, I may or may not have been hiding in my tent, tears of laughter threatening to burst forth. ‘Served you right!’ I thought, trying to hold back the amusement. It wasn’t intentional, but hey, making a ‘sand’ structure with those stones turned out to be the most satisfying passive-aggressive response to a troll who goes around kicking sand structures.”
Who Does That?

“I used to be a big fan of Diet Coke, but the vending machines at work had the audacity to stock Pepsi (disgusting, right?). So, being the resourceful person I am, I kept a secret stash of a 12-pack of Diet Coke cans in my desk.
Every morning, like a stealthy Diet Coke ninja, I’d slip one can into the shared office fridge. And just like magic, when it was time to enjoy my chilled DC, I’d find another one I had secretly replaced it with, waiting for me. Always a cold one at the ready, you know.
But then, dun dun dun, one day, it happened – a Diet Coke vanished! My intrigue was piqued. Perhaps someone thought it was some abandoned drink, so they took it, no big deal. So, I replaced it with another can, thinking it’d solve the mystery.
But lo and behold, it vanished again! Now the plot thickens. Maybe someone mistakenly believed it was theirs? Hmnn. But hey, I was determined to defend my precious Diet Cokes. So, I got smart and marked a big red X on the top of the can with a whiteboard marker. That’ll show ’em.
Guess what? It disappeared too! Theft, I tell ya – outright, bold, shameless theft! Now, I may have gotten a tad angrier than one should over a soda, but those were MY Diet Cokes! And now, I had to drink ’em warm – the horror!
So, I decided to teach the culprit a lesson. I replaced the can once again, but this time, oh boy, I shook it up like a paint can at Home Depot. Then, off I went to attend a meeting.
When I swung by the fridge later, my eyes widened in glee. There it was – a very satisfying dark brown stain, about three feet across, decorating the carpet in the hallway. Oh, sweet victory! Take that, Diet Coke thief! You got what you deserved.
Well, folks, that’s the thrilling tale of how a soda war led to a memorable triumph – a rogue soda seeker foiled by a strategically shaken can. The moral of the story? Never mess with someone’s precious stash of Diet Coke, or you’ll end up with a fizzy mess to clean up!”
How Did They Think That Was Okay?

“When I moved in with my girlfriend, everything was fantastic. We cherished each other’s company, had our own space, and relished the isolation and freedom that came with it.
However, after a few months, things took an unexpected turn. We started getting surprise visits from her parents. They’d pound on our door, or sometimes even barge right in without warning. Sometimes it was just her mother and father, but other times they brought their 5-year-old daughter along. Now, don’t get me wrong, I genuinely enjoyed spending time with my girlfriend’s sister and her parents. But these visits were becoming a bit overwhelming – they were unexpected, untimely, and happening more and more frequently. It became a nuisance, especially when we had other plans or simply didn’t feel like socializing.
That’s when I had a brilliant idea: beat them at their own game. One bright and early morning, it was like 4:30 am on a weekday, my girlfriend and I hatched a plan. We enlisted our loudest, most obnoxious friend to join us and headed over to her parents’ place. And you can probably guess what we did – yes, we barged right in, shouting ‘wake up!’ and disrupting their peaceful slumber. We playfully demanded they make us breakfast and spent hours interrupting their morning routines. It was a cheeky move, but we thought it might send a message.
Well, guess what? The visits from them started happening less and less after that day. It seems like our little prank worked, as they began notifying us beforehand if they planned to come over – exactly what we had wanted all along. As for why they started the unannounced visits in the first place, I’m still not sure. But in the end, our unconventional approach taught them a lesson in manners, and we couldn’t help but feel a sense of irony in the situation.”