Ever had a brush with death so close you just had to stop and contemplate the way you were living life. Nowadays you can never be too careful, whereas some people just don’t seem to value their lives at all. Nonetheless, these pictures display close calls that were a little too close to comfort.
Don’t Sleep So Tight

So right of the bat I’m not liking the looks of this. If this TikToker is telling the truth, it would appear that he has some kind of extra creepy secret admirer…

Could this guy be telling the truth or is he just taking us for a ride?
That Was A Close One!

I can’t imagine the fear this person must have felt. If they hadn’t been paying attention, we may have had a real-life Spiderman on our hands!
Watch Your Step

Original poster was enjoying a stroll on the beach when something thankfully caught his eye…
This Is Why I Still Haven’t Gone Skydiving

This skydiver’s quick thinking without a doubt saved his life. I’ve never seen a parachute get tangled before, but I definitely don’t want to find out how it feels to free fall knowing that it is.
Totally Unexpected

Duty calls! When adrenaline kicks in, Moms and Dads are like absolute units when it comes to protecting their young.
Not My Cup Of Tea…

Alive or dead, that definitely would not have felt good!
This Is Just Like Final Destination!

I never drive behind utility vehicles for this exact reason.
Parking Lot Scare

I can only imagine what was going through this woman’s head! Good grief. People should really slow down.
On The Next Episode Of Watch Your Step…

That would’ve really hurt!
Inches From Disaster!

That is one massive boulder! That family’s guardian angel was working overtime…
This Is Why We Must Wear ALL Protective Gear

I would take a break from angle grinding for a while
The Hand Is Quicker Than The Eye…

That could have went south so quickly!
Ever Get That Sinking Feeling?

I can only imagine what must have been going through this poor guy’s head.