Nothing is more enraging than when someone mistreats you for no apparent reason. Some people will take revenge into their own hands while others will walk away thinking it isn’t worth their time. However, sometimes Karma will make sure justice is served. Here are the satisfying times people received instant Karma after treating someone horribly. Content has been edited for clarity.
Perfect Timing

“I was working at a hotel when a guest arrived late at night. He didn’t want to use our valet service and also refused to find his own parking spot in town. Instead, he chose to park illegally in front of the hotel in the fire lane. He rudely refused to give our overnight security the keys so they could move it if needed and just said if he heard sirens, he’d ‘come downstairs and get it out the way.’
A very unusual scenario then occurred. A short while later, a guest in a room that happened to have a balcony right above his precious car felt sick. They went outside for some fresh air but it didn’t work. They unfortunately projectile vomited over the balcony. Splat! It landed right on his roof. Their vomit drying in the high mountain air, soldering itself to his paint job.
Never before, or after, in the 20 years I’ve been there does anyone remember a guest being sick off the balcony. We’re not exactly a party hotel. How the heck it happened on that night, in that room, with that idiot’s car parked directly below we will never know. The only thing we did know was that we couldn’t have planned better karma if we’d tried.”
Karma Served

“I saw this happen on a NY subway. As the crowd got on, there was a scramble for seats. As the subway car started to move, one elderly lady was working her way toward an empty seat when a young punk in an odd assortment of clothes slipped by her and grabbed the seat. He then looked up at her and smiled. She just held onto the overhead strap and had to stand.
An elderly gentleman was sitting next to the young punk and gave him a dirty look. The punk stared at him and made a face and said, ‘Wadda you lookin’ at grandpops?’ The older man just reached down into his shopping bag and pulled out a can of soda, popped the lid, and took a swig.
The older man looked up at me and smiled and then glanced in the direction of the punk kid. I knew he had something in mind. As we approached the next stop, he got up and gathered up his two bags while holding his soda. He waited until the car stopped and then carefully placed the soda can on the hard curved plastic seat where he had been sitting- this allowed him to get a better grip on his bags.
The man then moved toward the door. As he passed me, I started to say something about him leaving his soda on the seat but he looked at me and shut his eyes for a moment and shook his head- so I didn’t say anything. He stepped off the train and the doors shut.
The subway car lurched forward and the soda can that had been carefully balanced on the curved plastic seat promptly fell backward, emptying its contents onto the punk kid’s seat. He wasn’t looking at first until he felt it. By that time, it had soaked through his pants. He jumped up and started wiping his pants and cussing like crazy. Everyone around him had a smile on their face. Still cussing, he got off at the next stop.
Karma served.”
He Was Listening The Whole Time

“I went grocery shopping on a Friday and the cashier stopped scanning my groceries when it went over $100. I was dressed in sweat pants, all-star sneakers, and a t-shirt that looked more grey than black, but it was supposed to be black. I did take a bath and I mean come on, when it’s your day off, why would you want to dress up in heels to go grocery shopping.
Anyway, I asked her why she stopped scanning my stuff and she said the queue for the social service grants is on the other side of the shop. I asked her what made her think I was on welfare and she gave me one look and said, ‘The way you’re dressed. Do you even have $100 in your account?’ I told her it was my day off and I was grocery shopping.
She then said, ‘I don’t care if you the queen of England, just go to the other side of the shop.’ And then she turned to her coworker she said, ‘These government dogs annoy me this time of the month.’ My first instinct was to beat her up but instead I screamed at the top of my lungs, ‘WHERE’S THE MANAGER?’
Turned out the manager was standing two tills down listening to her going off on me the whole time. I told her before he walked over that I didn’t want the stuff anymore she could void it. She then called me a crazy woman and insisted I pay for the groceries. I told her it was not my problem and I was about to walk away when the manager came up and apologized. The cashier went grey in the face. She was suspended on the spot and told to take her bag and leave.”
Nice Try, Man

“A friend of mine was a cop in the 80s. One day, he and a few other hundred cops were on the train coming back from some sort of training. About 50 or so of them were traveling in the same car on the underground. There were only a couple of other people in the car: a young woman and a young man who seemed to have a preoccupation with the young woman’s handbag.
Of course, he seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that apart from him and the young lady, the car was filled with young, well-built men and women. It didn’t seem to dawn on him that all these young men and women might be cops.
Anyway, as the train was drawing into the next station, all the cops were looking at him to see what he would do. Again, if he thought he was being given any special attention, it didn’t register. My friend told me he was thinking, ‘Do it, do it,’ as were all the other cops on the train.
So, as the doors of the train opened, the young man grabbed the lady’s handbag and jumped out. It must have been a sight to see 50 cops or so all rushing out the doors at the same time, tackling the would-be mugger, and arresting the young reprobate.
The entire incident from bag snatching to arrest must have lasted all of five seconds. Talk about instant karma.”
What Goes Around Comes Around

“I used to work on the British Rail and people seemed to think it was okay to be verbally and physically abusive towards the staff. I was about 18 years of age and was working on the platforms. We had just sent a train out when this very well-to-do couple arrived late and missed the train. Of course, it was my fault they were late, and the abuse began.
The woman decided it was a direct insult to her so she slapped me around the face and started screaming abuse about how fat and ugly I was. Just for the record, I was a size 14, 5′10 teenage girl. When I began to distance myself, the man slammed me into the train beside me and pinned me to the coach. He began to call me awful things. The woman slapped me again, then the man decided to do the same, all the time I’m holding down the transmitter button on my walkie-talkie, so every member of staff could hear and was coming running.
The woman screamed at me, ‘You’ll never have a man, look at mine. He’s got money and looks. You’re too fat and stupid to manage that.’
The man slapped me again and demanded, ‘Are you married? Do you even have a boyfriend?’
‘Yes sir,’ I said.
‘Where is he then?’ he screamed, ‘I’ll rip his head off for having such a stupid, fat girlfriend!’
That’s when a deep Cornish voice said, ‘He’s standing right behind you with the police, sir. Touch my lady again. Just. Touch. Her.’
Yep, my 6′5 and a half, Cornish co-worker boyfriend was standing directly behind them. They were arrested and charged with common assault. From what I was told, it didn’t go down too well with the trading floor he worked on, and he lost his job.”